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- 14 December 2013
Bauer resets gather to get himself in.
"We'll put a [DELETED] in charge that abuses his fatass power so that he can play when he wants!"
Please use appropriate language in your posts. -NSL Staff
LMAO gotcha
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- 31 January 2014
Evisuuup 4 minutes ago kmacg less than a minute ago _Mega_ less than a minute ago "BearJankins3 minutes ago wait no i reset to get kmac my friend in"
nazi hunter izO
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23:13 - Kmacg: Vivint
less than a minute ago
"We'll put a [DELETED] in charge that abuses his fatass power so that he can play when he wants!"
Please use appropriate language in your posts. -NSL Staff
Wow Bauer just admitted to regathering for Kmacg. And he didn't even get to have fun yet. :(
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In all seriousness, people troll voted and we had imbalanced captains (one of them voted for himself even), many people were asking for a regather so the gather was reset, pretty much everyone in the gather wanted the regather, so it was completely justified. People just need to stop being so salty that they don't get in to regathers.
On another note, can we make troll voting captains a bannable offence? It's a waste of time for everyone involved and I'm getting tired of it.
the thing is, if you´re not starring at the gather page you are out in a second after regathering. the second point is, if the gather is full and he restarts it for the sake of a 'correct' captains vote, he shouldnt join it and force like this someone out.
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- 29 November 2015
Orrrr we could use the "Vote Regather" button, made for this exact situation.
Troll voting is fixed by one person rejoining.
The ever so powerful, Bauer, was sitting on the sidelines, forced to wait an hour to play, so he regathered. In the process, ensuring that he got to play while others got excluded.
Looks like a clear violation of Rule #9: "Dont be a dick."
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- 29 November 2015
"And BauerJankins which is a Gather Half-admin (moderator) btw famous for reseting full gathers so his friends can join the gather instead of other player that was quicker in (happend 2 weeks ago at saturday or sunday, please check gather history and ask all the players!"