Grenade Launcher Ideas [High Priority]

Alski Syndrome
United States of America
29 June 2014
4 September 2015 - 11:33 EDT
We've had a bunch of different ideas one what we can do with the GL so lets just throw them all in one big thread.

-GL's are too easy to kill lifeforms (particularly Lerks). This comes down to how hard it is to dodge a grenade because it feels like the grenade is the size of a bowling ball and comes at you very quick.
-GL's do too much structure damage. Right now it does about 4% of a fully matured hive and takes 27 total grenades to kill a hive. Plus with the splash damage you can clear heavy PvE very easily.

Solutions + Ideas
Idea #1 - Small Overall Nerf
-Reduce the structure damage multiplier from 200% to 180% (from 330dmg to 297dmg).
-Reduce the projectile size by 25% so its harder to connect
-Reduce the projectile speed.
-Make the projectile highlighted with Alien Vision.
-Possibly reduce splash radius?
-Attach a sound to the projectile.

Idea #2 - Wob's Rocket Launcher
-Make the trajectory of the grenades to mostly straight with a slight drop over distance and explodes on contact.
-Reduce the projectile speed to make it easier to dodge.
-Reduce structure damage.
-Make the projectile highlighted with Alien Vision.
-Attach a sound to the projectile.

Idea #3 - No changes
-Some people think that the GL has already been nerfed enough and doesn't need any changes.

My personal issue with Wob's idea is that changing the trajectory really messes with the GL's ability to function as a PvE support weapon. Anything that gets in the way of line of sight will block the grenades. You wouldn't be able to bounce grenades off walls or around corners. Think of Atrium Hive with upgrades in the back of the hive behind the box. Put a couple clog walls in front of them and they're nearly impossible to destroy. Wob's main complaint is that GL's are near impossible to dodge and that if you make it easier to dodge by making the trajectory straight and slower it will increase the skill ceiling for Lerks and balance low skill marines vs low skill aliens. I think that the changes in the first idea address the complaints without harming the PvE ability of the GL.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
18 January 2013
4 September 2015 - 16:44 EDT
Let me try and flesh out my idea and the reasons behind it.

I want to make marines stronger in low skill divisions to help fix the alien win rate. However most changes will have an impact on high level play too and at the moment marines are perhaps a little stronger than aliens.

"But fuck high skill play, there aren't many of you anyway"

Hold your horses there buddy, I think I found a solution!

This weapon though seems to have unique properties which we can manipulate in order to have an impact on low skill games and almost nothing on high skill games. The major mechanic that allows us to do this (I believe) is that it is a predicted projectile instead of a hitscan weapon like lmg/sg/hmg/railgun/minigun. This mechanic means that there are two sides of the coin to balance:
1) How marines aim
2) How aliens can respond.
This weapon is of course, the grenade launcher OR THE ROCKET LAUNCHER!

In the true sense of things, aliens can't directly alter their play to be able to avoid any of the hitscan weapons (I'd argue that positioning/timing/ambushing are all INDIRECT factors used to play against hitscan weapons). However, with projectiles, aliens actually have a little time to avoid the projectile (think marine vs gorge spit as well as a good comparison!) So what I want to do is, make it such that the grenade launcher is incredibly easy to use, but relatively (SKILL RELATIVE) easy to avoid.

The idea behind this is two fold.
1) GL has a larger range than SG and has splash damage thus allowing marines to shoot earlier than a SG giving them more room for error in the sense of time (speed = distance/time taken for skulk to get to you), AND if you miss directly, the splash damage should help chip the lifeform so you at least do something. THIS MAKES THE WEAPON WAY MORE FORGIVING THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN NS2 ATM, HELPING LOW SKILL PLAYERS.

2) Low skill marines play low skilled aliens. Low skill aliens will have a hard time to evade the projectile because they have slower reactions. High skilled marines play high skilled aliens who would hopefully be able to dodge the projectile! Thus not impacting high skill play!

Now that we have (hopefully) improved the PvP aspect for low skilled marines, I want to nerf the PvE sdmg of the GL so it is AT MOST as good as a SG at kill structures. This is because I don't want to make marines cheesy with a powerful weapon and they should still have to fight for map control. If you win the PvP with the improved weapon, you should have TIME to do sdmg, so you don't need as strong a burst.

Now these changes won't completely overpower the SG in all skill ranges BECAUSE the pdmg will be lower than a SG meaning if you can actually land your hits with the LESS FORGIVING SG, YOU DO MORE DAMAGE (HIGHER SKILL CEILING).

In true spirit of making the GL a true alternative, I also suggest that we drop the research requirement to be alongside the SG on a NORMAL armory so teams can choose between SG and GL (choosing one still means you CAN choose the other).

"So Wob, what do we change to make these changes?"

Well this is where we need community input because the few suggested changes I presented were my own and I'm not exactly a GL fanatic so I'm not entirely sure if this would help but:

1) MAKE IT EASIER TO USE: We make the GL a straight line trajectory (to make it easier to aim/predict the projectile path) with small drop off (to prevent super long range sniping.)
2) MAKE IT EASIER TO USE: Instant detonation on contact with wall/floor/ceiling/lifeform

3) MAKE IT DODGEABLE: Slow down the projectile a little. The value is unknown at the moment and will need extensive testing because at the end of the day this is the line drawn in the sand, and a lot of people playing aliens will fall under the "too slow reactions" side and a lot will end up on the "fast enough reactions" side. Although of course both sides will probably have moments they dodge and die regardless of their reactions.
4) MAKE IT DODGEABLE: Add a sound so you know when it's being fired (kind of helps ninja marines hiding to defend a grind gate and raping face)
5) MAKE IT DODGEABLE: Add the projectile to alien vision so that people can see it and help dodge

"But Wob, GLs are frustating for my low skill alien even if they help my low skill marine"

Well you can't fucking eat you cake and have it so either:
1) accept this idea
2) don't accept this idea and cry about low skill alien win rate
3) make your own idea

"But Wob, you're an asshole"

Well maybe I'm an asshole in how I present myself but you can't say my intentions to help the community with the low skill marine win rate isn't there. Also if you don't like my idea, I don't give a shit, it doesn't affect high-skill play if we don't change it.

"Ok Wob, I think I like your idea but there are a few things I'd change if I were to use it..."

Fantastic! Lets talk about it! I'm really excited by this idea and how it might end up helping balance the game across the board.
For The Lolz
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
5 May 2013
4 September 2015 - 17:52 EDT
I'm in favour of either idea tbh... and heres why.

loMe, you say you don't like Wobs idea due to it removing some of the GLs PvE potential... but heres the thing... we currently have 2 support weapons, GL and FT, no other weapon in NS2 has a counterpart, FT isn't used and GL is rarely used... they both try to be PvE and PvP, and they are both worse than other weapons in many ways... The FT is shoved aside by the GL in PvE AND PvP... the GL is regularly ignored in favour of the SG or HMG.
So in my opinion, you should have 1 support PvP and 1 support PvE... and considering the FT is pretty much laughable in PvP, I vote the GL be made the PvP specialist.

Wobs idea, while maybe worded in a way that causes people to want to argue with him, has a lot of promise imo, and it also opens the door to the idea of the FT being made more PvE orientated and potentially making it more viable too.

The Other idea also has promise and does similar things in many ways.

So yeah, I like both, but if forced to choose, I would rather go with Wobs idea.
"Out with the gorge, into the ready room" F4 - iSay
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
18 January 2013
4 September 2015 - 18:17 EDT
BTW lome I think the main reason you don't get my idea is because you're looking at the complaints as:
loMe says

-GL's are too easy to kill lifeforms (particularly Lerks). This comes down to how hard it is to dodge a grenade because it feels like the grenade is the size of a bowling ball and comes at you very quick.
-GL's do too much structure damage. Right now it does about 4% of a fully matured hive and takes 27 total grenades to kill a hive. Plus with the splash damage you can clear heavy PvE very easily.

But I'm trying to change GL for the bigger picture of marine win rate at low div instead of the GL itself

and Kash, thank you for looking past the person and dealing with the ideas at hand. Sincerely, I'm glad we can talk about the balance
For The Lolz
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
5 May 2013
4 September 2015 - 19:54 EDT
Wob says
and Kash, thank you for looking past the person and dealing with the ideas at hand. Sincerely, I'm glad we can talk about the balance

I was being serious before bud, Don't take any insults I throw seriously, I don't mean them, its just a way for me to emphasize my point and demonstrate my frustration (albeit not very appropriately)... I have no issues with you as a person or a player, its just some of the opinions we have differ in such a way that combined with both of our stubborn natures... we will argue from time to time.

I think your proposed ideas for the GL have a lot of merit, though they will likely take a long time to balance correctly, but I don't think time spent should be a reason to discredit the idea.
"Out with the gorge, into the ready room" F4 - iSay
9 June 2014
4 September 2015 - 21:41 EDT
All of those ideas sounds interesting. And each with there own pros and cons.
Personally I don't think the GL is too OP against structures. As it to seems like what the GL should be able to do.
However, I do dislike when you get killed by a random GL. Or when the GL's are just spamming.

pdmg have already been slightly nerfed. And I'm not entirely sure if it should be nerfed more or not.
But I would like to see a reduction of the hitbox to fit the actual model of the grenade. So that you have a more accurate view of what you are trying to dodge. This would make it easier for high skilled players to dodge. While removing some frustrations from low skilled players as they thought they had dodged it.

My other big gripe with the GL is the spam. To which I would propose a slower shooting speed. The reloading is already long enough that it should be a death sentence to be caught off guard.
Lowering the shooting speed between each shot would decrease the spam. And decrease the DPS vs structures. Without actually decreasing the damage of each shot.

These are small changes that would be easy implement. And could have a big enough change for the better without making the other half angry about the "nerf".
For The Lolz
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
5 May 2013
4 September 2015 - 22:59 EDT
As wob has said before, these changes seem to be for the sake of changing, rather than a real purpose.

The GL is already underused, by nerfing it all you will get is people using it even less often... by changing its purpose you make them more likely to be seen on the field, you give them a reason to be used and you open up the ability for the FT to be tweaked and made the new "PvE killer"

Currently GL = rarely used, add nerf = even rarer.
Current GL = rarely used, Change purpose = used more often, stimulates different gameplay, balances lower skill marine play.

Gotta say, after further thought... i'm edging closer and closer to agreeing with Wob totally... Who'd a thunk it? XD
"Out with the gorge, into the ready room" F4 - iSay
For The Lolz
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
5 May 2013
4 September 2015 - 23:01 EDT
loMe says
-Reduce the projectile size by 25% so its harder to connect

I assume you mean hitbox size and not visual size here... the visual size should remain the same because otherwise they will be far more difficult to see making them far more difficult to dodge (for those that can anyway)
"Out with the gorge, into the ready room" F4 - iSay
9 September 2014
5 September 2015 - 02:07 EDT
- Most of the time (also in publics) Marines lose because they have too many GLs.
- I don't see GLs in competitive very often, and if there is a GL, Marines have the upper hand anyway.
- Grenades are meant to have a punch, but you only have 4, plus a relatively long reload time.

I don't think GLs need a redesign, only a minor tweaking you can work on. First of all I would try to change subtle things and see how players react to it. This would be something a player could learn:

-Make the projectile highlighted with Alien Vision.
-Attach a sound to the projectile.

And maybe this one, but start with a smaller step to resize? Maybe 10% instead of 25%
-Reduce the projectile size by 25% so its harder to connect
Admin Abuse
18 November 2012
5 September 2015 - 04:01 EDT
GameOver says

-Make the projectile highlighted with Alien Vision.

Dragon talked about this on the comp mod slack channel, said it would take too much a hit on performance to do that.

In my opinion, it doesn't need a lot of change.
Just slightly reduce the hitbox from a 0.17 radius to a 0.14 radius. Compared to the 0.05 radius that the actual model has. This will reduce the amount of "random deaths" from skulks and lerks.

Its not that the GL is bad, Its just that not a lot of people use it. Handwashers use it a lot and have seen the benefits of it but I'm sure Crazycat can give some more feedback on that.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
18 January 2013
5 September 2015 - 07:29 EDT
Yaluzan says

Its not that the GL is bad, Its just that not a lot of people use it. Handwashers use it a lot and have seen the benefits of it but I'm sure Crazycat can give some more feedback on that.

Handwashers are div 1.

Make it easier to use so that a lot of people CAN use it at lower divs, to help lower div marine win rate.
13 August 2014
5 September 2015 - 08:11 EDT
Solution 1
GLs were already nerfed to a point where they are not 1hit killing skulks so
Skulk > GL

Wob says

Make it easier to use so that a lot of people CAN use it at lower divs, to help lower div marine win rate.

I remember using GLs + HMG in Div4 (probably before NERFing them), the way they are now is actually easier to use imo but you need to know when to empty your clip and where to shoot it (like for example exit that retreating lifeforms are going to use). With straight flying, nonbouncing shell it will get harder and "mining up" exits with shells will become impossible.

Lastly I don't expect projectile sound to work as sound in NS2 now is shit to be honest... Silent full speed skulks, engagements where u hear lags and half of the sounds isn't even played... Adding another effect to it isn't possible imo.

Horror Show
Ref Admin
Omsk (Siberia), Russian Federation
3 December 2012
5 September 2015 - 13:34 EDT
loMe says
-GL's are too easy to kill lifeforms (particularly Lerks). This comes down to how hard it is to dodge a grenade because it feels like the grenade is the size of a bowling ball and comes at you very quick.
-GL's do too much structure damage. Right now it does about 4% of a fully matured hive and takes 27 total grenades to kill a hive. Plus with the splash damage you can clear heavy PvE very easily.

That's all is not true.
GL can kill lerk easly only if GL is unexpected (as well as SG). It's pretty easy to dodge a grenade if you definitely know which direction it launched or know the moment it will launched. Anyway, lerks is not intended to fight against the GL 1 on 1 (as well as against exo) because of GL's specificity. At close range yes, you can't avoid GL but at this range SG does the same or the bigger damage. In the other side, GL marine can be killed comparatively easy by the fade and skulk 1on1.

A weapon which designed to make damage against structures must make a decent damage against structures, doesn't it? Let's see the values: On Weapons-0 GL has ideal 165 DPS against structures, SG has ideal 107 DPS (on close range), LMG has ideal 100 DPS and minigun exo has 190 ideal DPS against structures (estimated with the total reload time/cool before next round can shoot). So what's the problem?

But all above doesn't make much sense. In fact you should proceed from how often and in which situations GL played, not from values. In this game, GL is NOT used enough constantly, GL does NOT give an outstanding results every time it used and only bit of marines really like to play with this weapon. So why it must nerfed? CRaZyCAT #222106
Horror Show
Ref Admin
Omsk (Siberia), Russian Federation
3 December 2012
5 September 2015 - 14:06 EDT
About "how to help low div marines". This is very hard because low div aliens win rate lies in NS2 basics, namely in alien movement setups and marine null weapon recoil, low spread. Yes, you can add a new low skill dependent weapon or use the existing ones (GL, FT) but I don't like that idea. Only substantial ideas I can suggest is:

1) Make new strong resource expensive PvE strategies for marines, where marine will use more PvE (ARCs, sentry and something new) instead of PGs and grades. But in any case it will affect high div gameplay.
2) Create an opportunity to establish handicap based on opponents division/skill level. But it's stupid and breaks the value of competition. CRaZyCAT #222106
16 November 2013
6 September 2015 - 06:40 EDT
CRaZyCAT says
Yes, you can add a new low skill dependent weapon or use the existing ones (GL, FT) but I don't like that idea.

Not a valid argument.
We're grumpy
Lyon, France
6 April 2013
6 September 2015 - 08:27 EDT
Wob says
"But fuck high skill play, there aren't many of you anyway"

There's way more Aliens wins in low divisions than Marines wins in high divisions. Aliens win most of the time with low skilled players, I don't remember Marines winning most of the time with the current higher skilled players. Was definitely true in the past but not anymore.

Wob says
This weapon though seems to have unique properties which we can manipulate in order to have an impact on low skill games and almost nothing on high skill games. The major mechanic that allows us to do this (I believe) is that it is a predicted projectile instead of a hitscan weapon like lmg/sg/hmg/railgun/minigun.

Your solution would have more impact in 'higher divisions' than in lower divisions. It'd make easier Aliens to kill a GL due to its projectile being easier to dodge ('cause predictable). And I don't see how this could help lower skilled divs when you know that Aliens are way stronger than Marines in those divisions.

Wob says
In the true sense of things, aliens can't directly alter their play to be able to avoid any of the hitscan weapons (I'd argue that positioning/timing/ambushing are all INDIRECT factors used to play against hitscan weapons). However, with projectiles, aliens actually have a little time to avoid the projectile (think marine vs gorge spit as well as a good comparison!) So what I want to do is, make it such that the grenade launcher is incredibly easy to use, but relatively (SKILL RELATIVE) easy to avoid.

Yeah, exactly. You've countered your argument of 'nerfing' Aliens in lower divisions. It'll only make them even more stronger.

wob says
1) GL has a larger range than SG and has splash damage thus allowing marines to shoot earlier than a SG giving them more room for error in the sense of time (speed = distance/time taken for skulk to get to you), AND if you miss directly, the splash damage should help chip the lifeform so you at least do something. THIS MAKES THE WEAPON WAY MORE FORGIVING THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN NS2 ATM, HELPING LOW SKILL PLAYERS.

Why would you make it more forgiving? The dude with a GL shoots, misses, dies. He hits, kills the lifeform (skulks at least). He can't do that at close range because those grenades won't explode anyway. So he'll have to master at least his weapon to do something valuable. And not a lot can use a GL properly. That's the aim of the GL as it is now. It doesn't have to be forgiving. A random Marine shouldn't be wandering on the map alone with a GL or he'll die and right now, if he does so, he'll die. As said by others, it meant to be a support weapon. At best, he'll kill some skulks, but not worth 25 Pres.

wob says
Now that we have (hopefully) improved the PvP aspect for low skilled marines, I want to nerf the PvE sdmg of the GL so it is AT MOST as good as a SG at kill structures. This is because I don't want to make marines cheesy with a powerful weapon and they should still have to fight for map control. If you win the PvP with the improved weapon, you should have TIME to do sdmg, so you don't need as strong a burst.

Again, GLs are support weapons. Its aim is different to SGs' or LMGs'. You need to upgrade your Armory first to an AA and then purchase GLs which costs a tiny bit more than Shotguns. So it has to be more efficient than Shotguns 'cause it's more expensive. It's that simple. It also makes a lot of sense to me that GLs are anti-structures weapons. They have always been meant to damage initially Aliens buildings before enemy players. However, as you can imagine, being hit with a grenade straight into your head should still deal a lot of damages. Aliens need to adapt whenever they see some Marines carrying GLs with them. You got to play differently. And I've never seen 5 Marines in the same time all using GLs. That would be stupid and only makes them lose. It is quite effective with LMGs or SGs in addition to those, nothing more.

wob says
Now these changes won't completely overpower the SG in all skill ranges BECAUSE the pdmg will be lower than a SG meaning if you can actually land your hits with the LESS FORGIVING SG, YOU DO MORE DAMAGE (HIGHER SKILL CEILING).

Indeed, but it will just reduce the small piece of interest left when it comes to GLs. No one really uses them right now (beside a few teams) and I don't see how your changes will be of any help. SG is a lifeform killer because it's easier to master and also cheaper, for both Commander and field players. GL is a really nice weapon and yet, not that used. More expensive and tougher to master. But once you got it right, it's as powerful as SGs but in long range (so not the same purpose). Handwashers is a good example of that. They did manage in the past very well with GLs but I don't recall them being OP.

wob says
In true spirit of making the GL a true alternative, I also suggest that we drop the research requirement to be alongside the SG on a NORMAL armory so teams can choose between SG and GL (choosing one still means you CAN choose the other).

That, I guess, comes with your proposal because it'd be completely pointless otherwise. It can actually be done but it would demand to change the current meta of that weapon. Which is not broken at the moment. So except if you're for 'new changes for new changes', I'd say no. You should only modify things that aren't balanced, or too much of a problem. GLs aren't in my opinion.

wob says
2) MAKE IT EASIER TO USE: Instant detonation on contact with wall/floor/ceiling/lifeform

Appropriate for rockets, but it still remains a Grenades Launcher. And to be honest, I don't see this improving the winrates in low divisions. It will only make things less clear to new players or those wanting to watch some competitive games.

wob says
4) MAKE IT DODGEABLE: Add a sound so you know when it's being fired (kind of helps ninja marines hiding to defend a grind gate and raping face)

Good idea!

wob says
5) MAKE IT DODGEABLE: Add the projectile to alien vision so that people can see it and help dodge

Doable or not, it'll be unfair for the ones not using AV. And I'm not sure you want to force them to switch to use some AV. Too bad for you, you could have seen those projectiles if you had enabled the AV.

wob says
"But Wob, GLs are frustating for my low skill alien even if they help my low skill marine"

Because it'll only make a broken weapon. Not more efficient for Marines, I'm afraid. It will not in any case help decrease the current winrates in low divs.

wob says
it doesn't affect high-skill play if we don't change it.

But it does affect high-skill play if you change it.

So basically, none of those changes will help in regard to the low divs winrates. In my opinion, it would only make Aliens more powerful. You shouldn't touch GLs or not with those proposals. As Yalu stated, GLs are fine as they are, people just don't use them. And changing a weapon already fine only to push people to use it by claiming: 'it's new, go try!' is stupid.

About spams, I think we're talking about competitive play. GLs are for sure an issue in public, on larger servers but you never notice spams on 6 vs. 6 with only 5 players on the field. Because, anyway, let's admit 5 players use GLs in the same lapse of time, that'd only cause their death. And leave the Aliens to win freely.

Let's be honest, both of those ideas are about nerfing GLs. A GL is used to destroy structures and, if you're good at it, to kill lifeforms. It's already hard to master but it's worth it. Your solutions would only make them even more underused. Why would I buy a GL if I follow your ideas? You tend to make it closer to the current FT, useless. No effective against structures and lifeforms or too expensive for doing so few damages at the very least.

tldr: no need for changes - or if so, real changes such as minor tweaks. Not for the sake of changing.
“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
Copenhagen, Denmark
9 May 2010
6 September 2015 - 11:29 EDT
Just read the OP, while I agree with most of Wob's suggested changes, i don't think we should nerf the damage of the GL, especially not against structures. It should stay a viable siege weapon imo. An alternative to ARCs and Exos.

GL bullets are currently near impossible to dodge at mid-range/optimal lerking spike range due to their speed, which makes them very strong PvP. Giving fades and lerks a better chance to dodge by reducing the projectile speed is a great idea imo. It will make the GL a bit less powerful, at least in the higher tiers of play. Just don't overdo it, if the aliens don't react fast enough they should still get that grenade in their face. A GL marine with good prediction and aim should still be able to hold his own against skulks without having to blow himself up because the GL projectile speed is too slow and you have skulks easily dodging them at max explosion range. GLs are an investment, aliens should invest in lifeforms to deal with them. But right now, the GLs are extremely good against the lifeforms that should be able to counter them.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
18 January 2013
6 September 2015 - 12:29 EDT
Ok pela in your response you made a lot of noise without actually appreciating the core underlying assumption that my change is to make the GL a PvP weapon and less of a "support" weapon. If you can appreciate that fundamental idea behind all the changes, it might make more sense and I will try to point that out for you.

Pelargir says

Wob says
This weapon though seems to have unique properties which we can manipulate in order to have an impact on low skill games and almost nothing on high skill games. The major mechanic that allows us to do this (I believe) is that it is a predicted projectile instead of a hitscan weapon like lmg/sg/hmg/railgun/minigun.

Your solution would have more impact in 'higher divisions' than in lower divisions. It'd make easier Aliens to kill a GL due to its projectile being easier to dodge ('cause predictable). And I don't see how this could help lower skilled divs when you know that Aliens are way stronger than Marines in those divisions.

GLs are hardly used in high division play and especially not in a PvP context so while this would probably decrease the effectiveness of GL further in high level play, it wouldn't affect the win rate which is what is important when we are talking about "IMPACT".

It helps lower skilled divs because we're hoping the straight line trajectory makes it easier to use for low-skilled marines. They only have to think about the Z axis of depth instead of the Y axis of length (ofc no X axis because it fires in straight line not curved left or right). Lower skilled aliens should find it harder to dodge the GL (Because one component of low skill is slow reactions) thus if we get a sweet spot for the value of the velocity of the projectile, it won't be a buff for aliens at a low skill level.

Pelargir says

Wob says
In the true sense of things, aliens can't directly alter their play to be able to avoid any of the hitscan weapons (I'd argue that positioning/timing/ambushing are all INDIRECT factors used to play against hitscan weapons). However, with projectiles, aliens actually have a little time to avoid the projectile (think marine vs gorge spit as well as a good comparison!) So what I want to do is, make it such that the grenade launcher is incredibly easy to use, but relatively (SKILL RELATIVE) easy to avoid.

Yeah, exactly. You've countered your argument of 'nerfing' Aliens in lower divisions. It'll only make them even more stronger.

Yes it makes the GL less useful against higher skilled aliens with faster reactions, but that doesn't matter because GLs aren't used much in high skilled play and this change should help low-skilled marine win rate which is a justified trade off imo.

This does not in any way counter the alien nerf in low division. It doesn't nerf aliens in low divisions at all but it shouldn't be a buff. Low skilled aliens will not be able to dodge thus NOT making the GL useless for low skill.

Pelargir says

wob says
1) GL has a larger range than SG and has splash damage thus allowing marines to shoot earlier than a SG giving them more room for error in the sense of time (speed = distance/time taken for skulk to get to you), AND if you miss directly, the splash damage should help chip the lifeform so you at least do something. THIS MAKES THE WEAPON WAY MORE FORGIVING THAN ANYTHING ELSE IN NS2 ATM, HELPING LOW SKILL PLAYERS.

Why would you make it more forgiving? The dude with a GL shoots, misses, dies. He hits, kills the lifeform (skulks at least). He can't do that at close range because those grenades won't explode anyway. So he'll have to master at least his weapon to do something valuable. And not a lot can use a GL properly. That's the aim of the GL as it is now. It doesn't have to be forgiving. A random Marine shouldn't be wandering on the map alone with a GL or he'll die and right now, if he does so, he'll die. As said by others, it meant to be a support weapon. At best, he'll kill some skulks, but not worth 25 Pres.

You make it more forgiving for the low skilled marine players because the low skilled marine players are having issues and this helps. It's one fundamental concept behind buffing something.

Pelargir says

wob says
Now that we have (hopefully) improved the PvP aspect for low skilled marines, I want to nerf the PvE sdmg of the GL so it is AT MOST as good as a SG at kill structures. This is because I don't want to make marines cheesy with a powerful weapon and they should still have to fight for map control. If you win the PvP with the improved weapon, you should have TIME to do sdmg, so you don't need as strong a burst.

Again, GLs are support weapons. Its aim is different to SGs' or LMGs'. You need to upgrade your Armory first to an AA and then purchase GLs which costs a tiny bit more than Shotguns. So it has to be more efficient than Shotguns 'cause it's more expensive. It's that simple. It also makes a lot of sense to me that GLs are anti-structures weapons. They have always been meant to damage initially Aliens buildings before enemy players. However, as you can imagine, being hit with a grenade straight into your head should still deal a lot of damages. Aliens need to adapt whenever they see some Marines carrying GLs with them. You got to play differently. And I've never seen 5 Marines in the same time all using GLs. That would be stupid and only makes them lose. It is quite effective with LMGs or SGs in addition to those, nothing more.

So going back to what I said at the start of this post, I think this is where you have big issues with my suggestion. The GL should be changed to be a low skill (easy to counter as a high skill) easy to use PvP weapon. It's "support" role should be diminished in order to balance the new PvP role.

Just because they have "always" been meant to do sdmg doesn't make these changes any less valid.

Pelargir says

wob says
Now these changes won't completely overpower the SG in all skill ranges BECAUSE the pdmg will be lower than a SG meaning if you can actually land your hits with the LESS FORGIVING SG, YOU DO MORE DAMAGE (HIGHER SKILL CEILING).

Indeed, but it will just reduce the small piece of interest left when it comes to GLs. No one really uses them right now (beside a few teams) and I don't see how your changes will be of any help. SG is a lifeform killer because it's easier to master and also cheaper, for both Commander and field players. GL is a really nice weapon and yet, not that used. More expensive and tougher to master. But once you got it right, it's as powerful as SGs but in long range (so not the same purpose). Handwashers is a good example of that. They did manage in the past very well with GLs but I don't recall them being OP.

It will reduce the small interest for GLs at high level play because SG has higher skill ceiling, but hopefully it'll be easier and more forgiving for lower skilled players who struggle with GL by a lot more.

SG is easier to use but hard to master. GLs are harder to use and easy to master. I want to make them easier to use and keep them less effective than a SG so it allows SG to be the better weapon for better people, but it doesn't fuck your team up if your team is shit with SG. If you truly are saying that if players suck with SG and can't win because they can't win PvP fights with it and we shouldn't change GL to help, then you're basically giving a middle finger to the low-skilled low marine win rate.

Pelargir says

wob says
In true spirit of making the GL a true alternative, I also suggest that we drop the research requirement to be alongside the SG on a NORMAL armory so teams can choose between SG and GL (choosing one still means you CAN choose the other).

That, I guess, comes with your proposal because it'd be completely pointless otherwise. It can actually be done but it would demand to change the current meta of that weapon. Which is not broken at the moment. So except if you're for 'new changes for new changes', I'd say no. You should only modify things that aren't balanced, or too much of a problem. GLs aren't in my opinion.

Yes it changes the current meta to make it a PvP weapon. The weapon itself is not broken at the moment and I completely agree with that. I am not trying to fix a GL issue. I am trying to fix low-skilled marine low win rate.

post 1/2
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
18 January 2013
6 September 2015 - 12:30 EDT
Pelargir says

wob says
2) MAKE IT EASIER TO USE: Instant detonation on contact with wall/floor/ceiling/lifeform

Appropriate for rockets, but it still remains a Grenades Launcher. And to be honest, I don't see this improving the winrates in low divisions. It will only make things less clear to new players or those wanting to watch some competitive games.

We recently came up with an idea to make left click explode on impact and right click explode after a certain time. The explode on impact should help people who miss skulks on floors/walls/ceilings but still contribute a little damage via splash. It is a forgiving mechanism to buff the GL.

Pelargir says

Doable or not, it'll be unfair for the ones not using AV. And I'm not sure you want to force them to switch to use some AV. Too bad for you, you could have seen those projectiles if you had enabled the AV.

No it's not unfair because everyone can turn AV on/off. That's like saying it's unfair that there is a quick switch weapon because I use the numbers to change. It also isn't like this change makes it HARDER to see when AV is off. This is virtually the view-models discussion all over again.

Pelargir says

wob says
"But Wob, GLs are frustating for my low skill alien even if they help my low skill marine"

Because it'll only make a broken weapon. Not more efficient for Marines, I'm afraid. It will not in any case help decrease the current winrates in low divs.

I hope I've managed to address your misconceptions about the effect on winrates in this post.

wob says
it doesn't affect high-skill play if we don't change it.

Pelargir says

But it does affect high-skill play if you change it.

But it really doesn't because I argue that marines are slightly over powered at the moment and that nerfing GLs for high level play exclusively wouldn't have any impact on the marine win rate because they are not widely used and if they are, they are low impact.

Pelargir says

So basically, none of those changes will help in regard to the low divs winrates. In my opinion, it would only make Aliens more powerful. You shouldn't touch GLs or not with those proposals. As Yalu stated, GLs are fine as they are, people just don't use them. And changing a weapon already fine only to push people to use it by claiming: 'it's new, go try!' is stupid.

I hope I've managed to change your mind and that these changes will help low divs. If it makes aliens more powerful you just slightly increase the projectile speed until they are at an "adequate" velocity to kill low skill aliens but not high skill aliens. This will be a matter of subjectivity though and potentially a really salty area...

Pelargir says

About spams, I think we're talking about competitive play. GLs are for sure an issue in public, on larger servers but you never notice spams on 6 vs. 6 with only 5 players on the field. Because, anyway, let's admit 5 players use GLs in the same lapse of time, that'd only cause their death. And leave the Aliens to win freely.
The friendly fire element is something I've thought about and I think we could probably just decrease it for GLs because if it's going to be primarily low skilled weapon, we can make it even more forgiving and even more enticing for low skilled players by nerfing FF.

Let's be honest, both of those ideas are about nerfing GLs. A GL is used to destroy structures and, if you're good at it, to kill lifeforms. It's already hard to master but it's worth it. Your solutions would only make them even more underused. Why would I buy a GL if I follow your ideas? You tend to make it closer to the current FT, useless. No effective against structures and lifeforms or too expensive for doing so few damages at the very least./quote]

Actually lome's is an all round nerf, mine is literally a paradigm shift in how it works and I think that's what has caused some of your misconceptions. It's not an all round nerf and if you can't understand that from this post and the one you were quoting from, I'm afraid you might just have to trust me and take a back seat.

I don't know if you'd buy a GL with my ideas. I don't know what we'll change the values to and how much it'll affect your particular skill level. I'm confident that a SG would suit me better though vs high skilled aliens, and a GL would suit a low-level marine better against low skilled aliens.

Pelargir says

tldr: no need for changes - or if so, real changes such as minor tweaks. Not for the sake of changing.

I literally put this in the second line of my paragraph so people would understand the reasons of my changes a little better but I suppose I have to put it in a tl;dr...

I want to make marines stronger in low skill divisions to help fix the alien win rate.

It's not just for the sake of changing.

post 2/2
29 September 2013
6 September 2015 - 13:37 EDT
basically I 100% agree with wob, we just need to make sure that dodging the GL shot needs more skill than hitting with it
Alski Syndrome
United States of America
29 June 2014
8 September 2015 - 10:46 EDT
Just gonna point out that I think its unfair to say the changes make it a "PvP weapon" for even low div Marines. If you can't hold a lane with it on your own, it shouldn't be considered PvP. To be a PvP weapon, you need to be able to take on 2 skulks at a time, or win a fight vs a Lerk or a Fade solo, and that's not going to ever happen with a GL or RL. You will always need a teammate with you to effectively use the GL in any form.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
18 January 2013
8 September 2015 - 13:22 EDT
loMe says
Just gonna point out that I think its unfair to say the changes make it a "PvP weapon" for even low div Marines. If you can't hold a lane with it on your own, it shouldn't be considered PvP. To be a PvP weapon, you need to be able to take on 2 skulks at a time, or win a fight vs a Lerk or a Fade solo, and that's not going to ever happen with a GL or RL. You will always need a teammate with you to effectively use the GL in any form.

Well that's just not true... You can increase reload rate / ammo capacity / decrease self damage...

Also don't forget it doesn't have to be the primary PvP weapon, it's just making it MORE of a PvP weapon. You'd still have combinations of SGs for the slightly better players in the team, or LMGs in the team. You could also just not have the solo marine (if you play 2-2-1) as a GL just like happens now with teams and any weapon.
29 September 2013
9 September 2015 - 00:48 EDT
since you want to do it more of a PvP weapon do you also want to decrease structure damage?
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
18 January 2013
9 September 2015 - 11:57 EDT
Wob says

Now that we have (hopefully) improved the PvP aspect for low skilled marines, I want to nerf the PvE sdmg of the GL so it is AT MOST as good as a SG at kill structures. This is because I don't want to make marines cheesy with a powerful weapon and they should still have to fight for map control. If you win the PvP with the improved weapon, you should have TIME to do sdmg, so you don't need as strong a burst.

nazi hunter izO
Paderborn, Germany
20 October 2013
9 September 2015 - 13:11 EDT
I don't really know how I should feel about this whole situation. It should be obvious I don't like changes personally, but my very biggest reason for that is the difference between compmod and vanilla. How do you think will pub players react to seeing such a huge difference like the gl being made a rl in comp mod? I personally would hate to even try out competitive when I see the rules are so much different from what I'm used to....

But that's not the only reason.

I really like the gl in its current state and wouldn't want to see it changed that much, because its role as a PvE weapon is pretty good imo. If it shouldn't be that easy to snipe lerks with it then I'd like no more than some small tweaks as described above (smaller projectile size; smaller projectile speed). I haven't really had major problems with the gl ever. When you know there is one on the field you need to be more cautious with your lifeform (ok fade is something different than lerk I understand, just my pov) - play careful around it and adapt.

But I also have to confess I have absolutely no imagination what the rl would look like and how it would play out. But making it dodgeable (for "higher skilled" players) seems like a full nerf to the gl - making it rather useless in higher play.
I can fully understand crazycat's concerns about making the weapon useless on some level
16 November 2013
10 September 2015 - 03:47 EDT
BauerJankins says
Don't take my toys!

Your concerns are valid and similar were already voiced in the slack channel.
What it breaks down to: balance win rate in lower divs > current GL.

Of course the current GL has its place and utility but the problem with the alien win rate in lower divs is deemed more important (We have around 75% alien win rate in div 4+3).

Also keep in mind that we just want to try it out for now.
It pretty well may be that the idea does not work at all.
Also: with the alternate fire mode mechanic most of the current GL usefulness will stay.
18 May 2013
10 September 2015 - 06:23 EDT
As a lower div player, I agree with what BauerJankins says.
Do not get me wrong, I speak JUST for me. ;)

But I am low div. I do not mind alien win rate to be higher. I am much more concerned with more and more and more changes making the comp game different from vanilla.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
18 November 2012
10 September 2015 - 08:15 EDT
DCDarkling says
I am much more concerned with more and more and more changes making the comp game different from vanilla.

Yes and no, i dont see a problem with compmod being different, simply because changes that is made and placed into compmod, can be tested, played around with, and fed back. Meaning that changes can goto the Vanilla build quicker,
Plus it makes the game more fun, rounds can play better, and changes things up a little.

The only thing i wouldnt like to see, is to many changes being made at once, and any changes made not be game breaking or game defining.

nazi hunter izO
Paderborn, Germany
20 October 2013
10 September 2015 - 08:41 EDT
If these changes eventually get implemented in vanilla IF they're playig out well then I have no problem with that at all. But I kinda doubt this would happen because ENSL-CDT HATE!!!11!!11!
18 May 2013
10 September 2015 - 08:51 EDT
I would not mind changes in both vanilla and comp mod, but I am concerned about comp mod becoming more and more different.
Many folk may not be concerned or see it as a issue, but I do.
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