NS1 Gather

NS2 gathers have moved to gathers.ensl.org. This page is for the real game.

Gather finished, join the Server and TeamSpeak 3.

Maps: ns_tanith, ns_veil
Server: Sputnik-3 NY- U,S & A ( ; password = )

Click to join Server

iame 23:38
i showd up but might not stay indeed
BatraxJr 23:38
Thinking about that lmao
BatraxJr 23:38
But I will play to put the dog on a leash
iame 23:38
this is horrendous
BatraxJr 23:42
There is no such thing as a cool team today smh
dagkam 23:42
steam causing some conn issues
dagkam 23:42
seems to be stabilizing though
iame 23:50
9 degenerates on server