NS1 Gather

NS2 gathers have moved to gathers.ensl.org. This page is for the real game.

Gather finished, join the Server and TeamSpeak 3.

Maps: ns_veil, ns_tanith
Server: Sputnik-3 NY- U,S & A ( ; password = )

Click to join Server

Gohan 21:04
Few months
slipknot 16:06
args should be here, they got the day off after someone tried to kill their vice president
should have followed through. atleast we'd have one less fucking arg on the planet
jiriki 17:04
batrax afk?
1 more lets go. so we can wait another hour for this to start
get the doctor
BatraxJr 17:07
your mom afk
Hanzo 17:09
Pick me last i dont trust my connection