NS1 Gather

NS2 gathers have moved to gathers.ensl.org. This page is for the real game.

Gather finished, join the Server and TeamSpeak 3.

Maps: ns_veil, ns_nothing
Server: Sputnik-3 NY- U,S & A ( ; password = )

Click to join Server

lame 20:45
import naduli
lame 20:46
naduli wanna play?
naduli 20:46
u have 12
naduli 20:47
ill spectate and see if gohan and/or bollox is actually here
lame 20:49
picking both just in case
Garioncete 20:51
i dont want to play with bollocks
BatraxJr 21:13
why is half team 2 still missing, niggers