Flatline endeavours to the victory!

Congratulations to Flatline for winning the NSNC Finals against Hopsu Fun Club. The demos are available here and shoutcast here. Thanks to all teams for participating. We made it through smoothly without extra drama or flamewars.

Additionally, NSNC, and last one before next ENSL Season, will have its signups opened soon. For the next NSNC there will be two important polls:

"Would you like to see an all-nigt Nightcup?"
This means the games will not be continued to the next (mid) day. All of them will be played on the same day (and at the forth night of next day) and clans who cannot yield players, will receive forfeits. In practice this means you have to be available for atleast 6 consecutive hours to play NS.

"Would you like to have a loser bracket?"
This means you can lose once. By losing once, you will get dropped into Loser Bracket and the winner of the Loser Bracket will face the winner of Winner Bracket.

Without getting too much into bracket mathematics: a cup with 8 (or less) teams = 4 stages (4 consecutive matches per team maximum) will increase to 5 stages with a Loser bracket. A cup with 8-16 teams and 4 stages will increase to 8 stages. Atleast 1.5hrs of time will have to be reserved for each stage unless definite time frames are set for a number of matches have to be played within that (eg. 3 matches in 3 hours).

jiriki on 12 September 07 02:35



Blank sd

shoutcast at: ftp://nLpub:kjeften@ftp.ninelegends.com/07-09-10_flatline_vs_hopsufanclub_nsnc_s8_final_SC.rar

C'mon Fana, put it on our http already :P

12 September 2007, 08:41


Blank sd

our -> your

12 September 2007, 08:41


Blank sd

My shoutcast has the 15 minutes or so that jiriki is missing from his recording, the demo with hltv chat can also be found in the root directory of that ftp

12 September 2007, 08:44


Blank Tweadle

Are people honestly thinking it's clever to forcefully cram all the matches into one night and risk lots of forfeits?

12 September 2007, 15:07


Blank Tweadle

I just think you guys are being a little over-ambitious. This nightcup wasn't all that bad but I would like to see a lower bracket though as it's a good way of squeezing in more matches. I think it'd be doubly silly to vote for the nightcup to be all in one night *AND* for a lower bracket division.

12 September 2007, 17:06


Blank aA

what a sudden change i see here jiriki, if im not wrong i suggested thing like that(lower bracket) when i was still in ensl staff ;P

12 September 2007, 17:55


Blank Admirable | God Squad

Olaf for president!

12 September 2007, 18:39


Blank smokealot

im for both, 1 day and loser bracket, lets start midday ffs dont pretend u got a life guys

12 September 2007, 19:00


Blank gobot | Stray Dogs

loser bracket sounds good, 6 hours playing ns? lol :O

12 September 2007, 19:06


Blank pathy

gogogog gather cup! fairer teams = more fun. tbh the way it was seeded meant that in many cases the first round was merely a formality. who really expected pitchfork to even challenge sprogga? honestly?

12 September 2007, 19:08


Blank scratchie

i talked about that lower bracket to, its a good idea. 1 night wont be possible i think

12 September 2007, 19:27


Blank smokealot

lol pathy we did, baserush ftw

12 September 2007, 19:38


Blank Tweadle

zamma ftw

12 September 2007, 20:16


Blank mu

Yes for losers bracket.

12 September 2007, 22:38


Blank Elvisq | Team Four

and i was against this aA so we didn't use it ;]

13 September 2007, 01:08


Blank jiriki | old people

aA yep you did. I just re-created the poll. :]

Im not totally against, but it might really enlengthen the cup dramatically.

13 September 2007, 03:25


Blank jiriki | old people

Updated the news btw.

13 September 2007, 03:58


Blank hobbypG

well their win doesnt make them more likable

13 September 2007, 16:25


Blank Starchy | Anonym Anti Anti A.

I agree with pathy in that the first rounds are just a formality, a gather cup would just be as one sided though..

13 September 2007, 18:14


Blank smokealot

AND PLZ JIRIKI ITS A CUP, make stages randomly , fucking boring for some teams to know that in every cup we gotta play flatline or sprogga just cause u want a good final. Luck is part of a cup too, so make it like lump did do stages randomly and dont do them how u think u can get the best final. Just demotivates teams.


13 September 2007, 19:07


Blank C-mies

Are you after "double elimination cup" Jiriki? If we'd play with double elimination you'd have to lose 2 times before you're dropped, so even if you lost the first round of games, you'd still have a chance to get to the finals!

Example: http://www.noobwars.gr/tours/gnt4/images/double_elimination.jpg

13 September 2007, 20:04


Blank Tweadle

A losers bracket would mean that random teams wouldn't have as big an impact on the final so it's probably a good idea.

13 September 2007, 20:40


Blank Prefix | Anonym Anti Anti A.

the loser brackets idea is silly imo.

It would mean the weakest team in the nc will play the strongest.

And if you dont vote yes in the first poll, then why call it a 'nightcup'. And lets face it, more or less everyone is on vent or ns for 6hours in a row, come on.

13 September 2007, 21:35


Blank c0keh

btw what about some kind of nightcup ranking
example: 1st gets a gold, second silder and 3rd bronze medal.
now depending on how much 1st/2nd/3rd ranks one team scored you're getting ranked

main advantage is to keep clans together and not re-creating over and over again. it'd obviously also be interesting and more challanging :)

13 September 2007, 22:17


Blank jiriki | old people

C-mies, yes. Double elimination is loser bracket.

And Prefix. Actually its not. I will show you with an example:

Don't worry about the teams, results are fictional and biased. I did that when I was analyzing different systems for nationscup. :P

14 September 2007, 03:11


Blank bp

germany ftw!

14 September 2007, 12:00


Blank Scale

I give my vote for loser bracket!

14 September 2007, 14:05


Blank P3anut

i wanted to be cool so i said yes for a all night cup but i actually meant no

15 September 2007, 01:01


Blank Prefix | Anonym Anti Anti A.

wow americans can't even vote...
No wonder bush had to rig the elections?

15 September 2007, 19:39


Blank P3anut

what does a irish prick know about voting

15 September 2007, 22:40


Blank Hopeanuoli

its hopsu fan club you tard >_<

29 September 2007, 18:00

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