Open Tournament 16 Rules


Open 16 Rules 



  • Ignorance of the rules does not pardon any violation. 

  • The Code of Conduct applies to this contest and can be viewed here. Player communication and conduct are to be kept as civil as possible. While playful banter is acceptable, any abusive act or communication is unacceptable.

  • Players must use their name and Steam Account registered with the NSL.

  • Any issues or disputes are subject to Referee discretion and Admin review. Referees or Admin will be available on the NSL discord if they are not present in the match.

  • All streamers must use 3minute/180 second delay. (With exception to players on a team who have permission from their captain/team leader to stream)





     Server Rules


  • Servers will be selected by an admin or referee to assure that a fair match is played. map is selected based on giving all players the lowest ping possible.
  • Both team captains can however refuse a admin/referee selecting the server and may choose their own.
  • In the event a map can not be chosen decisively between 2 servers it will be put to a cointoss with the heads being the team to come first alphabetically.


  • Chapel Hill will occasionally be the best when there are several West Coast NA players.

  • EU vs AUS/Pacific Region - Chapel Hill/RUS

  • NA vs AUS/Pacific Region - Chapel Hill






       Team & Merc Rules


i.      Roster is capped at 7 members for each team.


ii.    Roster will be locked upon sign-ups closing.


iii.   Teams are required to have 6 members to be able to sign up.


iv.   Teams may have up to 2 mercs but must play at least half the matches with a full 6 player roster.


v.    Mercs can not be from teams that are currently or were participating in the contest unless approved by the opposing team's captain.


       Reasons to contest:


       Perceived excessive competitive advantage gained by a merc.


       Inappropriate use of a merc (e.g. team has available players).


       Disagreements will be settled by refs or admins.





       Bracket Format


  • The format of the tournament is double elimination, which means that a team ceases to advance if they lose two matches. All rounds will be Best of 5 - First to three rounds won - played on Saturday.
  • In the case all matches cannot be played on Saturday, then the final games will be played on Sunday.
  • All rounds are coin-flipped. Captains can agree to maps beforehand to save time if desired.



       Coin Flips


       Coin Flips are used to determine the following:


       Deciding on map bans and order of which team bans first.


       Map choice.


       Side choice


       Match #1 coin flip


       Team A chooses heads - Team B chooses tails


       Coin flip lands heads - Team A wins picks to choose map.


       Team A picks map: Veil


       Team B picks side: marines


       Match #1


       Round 1


       Map: Veil


       Team A starts aliens - Team B starts Marines


       Round 2


       Map: Veil


       Team A starts Marines - Team B starts Aliens




       Map Pool






















       Caster Information


       A caster must have their own account on streaming sites (most likely Twitch,) and a OBS such as streamlabs set up as to be able to cast games. May not be necessary to have a OBS if you are solely a co-caster.




       Casters are required to keep focus on having the cast relevant to NS2 and the gameplay, especially with a co-caster who you can converse with. Moments of downtime in the gameplay can consist of talk about non-gameplay topics as to keep the cast a steady pace and not become lackluster. Casters should be ready to talk about the gameplay the moment a key fight occurs however.




       Casters should try to be professional during casts. Casters are allowed to still have an opinion on why a play by a player may have been subpar, but should not needlessly flame the person due to any dislike or opinion of the person in question.




       Streams must always have a 3-minute (180 seconds) delay if the caster is spectating the game. A player on a team may be able to stream with the permission of the captain/team leader.



  •  In the case a caster is both an official caster and a player of a tournament, they must not cast any games where their team is playing officially against another team. This is to maintain game integrity.





GreenRex on 04 July 24 06:35


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