• Born Blank
  • csm Blank
  • Stewy Blank
  • Fletcher Blank
  • Maxx Blank
  • Pitman360 Blank
  • WalkingTarget Blank
  • Blank Eko
  • Blank ExKaliiperi
  • Blank Fool
  • Blank Go4lie
  • Blank Kyrath
  • Blank TrC
  • Blank Varro

S2: 2nd Division

Sunday 23 October 2005
18:00 EDT

Predictions (0)

Clan Evil
TeaM Fantasy

Match Report

Well, i have to say this...the server lagged...badly for both teams, but they agreed to play so there is no place to whine about this.The rounds where fine and enjoyable, except for the last one, because TeaMf did not have the players to play.So 3-1 to evil.
Man of the match is Kyrath, cuz he got pwned sooo often and didnt do anything. :)

First map was tanith.
First round: Evil marine, TeaMf alien.
Stewy is the comm, Fusion is the hive, and aliens gets MC first.
2:11 some1 said vittu, but i dont know whats this ;)
Marines get double fast, and offends to chem.Nothing special happens, until
2:42 hinata ( nana ) goes fade, and they put up sat hive.Marines gets pg to waste.
Soon after this varro goes fade, and go4lie goes lerk.
6:40 a pg is ready near satcom
7:10 the hive is ready, but Evil has some turrets and hmg, ans sg soo its a nice battle, but in the end teamf pushes marines back to their base.Marines try a last attack on fusion, but it fails.
The last survirvor of the marines is the man of this round: stewy.He gets this medal for the nice runaway from an onos :)

Second round:
Fool is the comm, the hive is satcom.Aliens gets MC first.
Marines are getting dbl, but we could see some nice skulkrush form evil, and they purge marines out of dbl.
3:00 TeaMf tries to take down an rt in fusion, and again a nice skulkrush where almost the whole marine team dies vs 2 skulks.
3:40 maxx is going fade, stewy lerk, and chem hive is going up!
6:00 walkingtarget and csm fades.
6:50 hive ready, aliens choose sc.
7:30 marines have HMGs!
8:30 even Heavy armors!
9:40 Two HA guys are holding back the fades and manage to weld the shortcut to sat.
11:00 walking target dies, but he evolves to onos asap.
11:50 lead by maxx the aliens assault the group of hmg+ha guys... maxx dies but even so the aliens manage to take down the whole HA team.
13:00 walkingtarget dies as an onos :) but he is going onons again.. ( boring part of the game ).At this point Evil| has ALL of the resnodes on the map, has some offense chambers too, and they are all fades/onos.
16:57 gg 1-1 TeaMf vs Evil|
man of the round is pitman, for being the most boring gorge i have ever seen.ever. ( sry ;) )

Second map is origin
First round: evil marines, teamf aliens
stewy is the commander again, hive is furnace and aliens choose mc.
this round was really good and i thank the teams for the joy :)
TeaMf tries a fast rush on the base, but the hero of the day stewy gets out of his chair and stops the "overwhelming" hordes of skulks. This happens around the end of the first minute.
3:30 marines getting double, but they had to fight for it really hard.TeaMf uses the vents and covers on this map really good, and they manage to ambush evil in every corner, but they manage to push forward slowly.
5:40 marines gets a pg at vent, nana is going fade, go4lie lerks, and marines are getting shotguns!
6:00 Exka is going fade.
7:20 the marines have a grenade launcher, and hmgs!And on top of this they have a pg near furnance, tf and even turrets! ( tf is upgrading )
Sometime around this aliens get biodome hive up.
An epic battle is going on near furnance, when nana gets stucked in the wall as a fade :( -> hive is down soon after.
Aliens gets sensorychambers , and marines have protolab up!
14:00 JETPAAACKS! Evil| tries a jprush on bio, but they fail
Nana and Exka are going fades, and they are pushing evil back.
18:20 exka is down, but eko is going fade.
Hard battles everywhere, but evil manage to hunt down all the fades although Fletcher is the only jp'er alive :). Evil pushes into bio with HA!
Soon the hive is down. 2-1 to Evil|
Man of the round is Go4lie for being an annoying sporelerk all the time :)

After this round TeaMf leader sais, they cant play another round ( they dont have the players ) so the last round is a default win for Evil|

Nice game guys.



Blank ExKaliiperi

Very bg. Laggiest server on whole Earth, 20 mins waiting for Evil players to arrive and match starts too late for finnish ppl.

23 October 2005, 19:32


Blank Nephotep | New Team

ssh dont start it :(

23 October 2005, 19:40


Blank Kyrath

I 13373d

23 October 2005, 19:40


Blank Vigilante

tbh pwned by teamplay

23 October 2005, 19:41


Blank Fletcher

Skulkrush server, all ENSL games are played on server on the exact same box, ExKaliiperi wanted to play on a server with no VAC because Ein is banned from it, No way baby.
All players had same ping probs, its sk servers, simple as that, same probs for all of us so dont be a bad sport about it finnish person.

23 October 2005, 19:42


Blank TrC | Exertus

why insist playing on laggy server pings 100~200 :/

23 October 2005, 19:42


Blank SoLDieR | Two Team Squad

nice 1 evil !

23 October 2005, 19:42


Blank Voodo | Two Team Squad

nice game evil

23 October 2005, 19:42


Blank WalkingTarget

1 - 15 packetloss throught and I still played.

23 October 2005, 19:43


Blank Born

gj good teamplay

23 October 2005, 19:53


Blank ExKaliiperi

We let you choose time, date and server and still you come 20 mins late and you know well that we are playing late already.

23 October 2005, 20:11


Blank Stewy

We played to the rules, and the reason why we had choice of time was because ur cl said, we can play on sunday and sunday only, but u can have choice of time, 3 of my members had to cancel things to do this for U. I challenged u 1 week ago u didnt reply till Wed, 2 days before my appointed day. We had to sort our times out. Also there was a ref present, and he warned us we had 2 mins, its in the rules, and we were well within our rights of time. We did say sorry for the time delay. Other then that pleasent comments please. GG good game, nice battles. :)

23 October 2005, 20:25


Blank GibbZ | 9L

Tbfh thats unfair on Ein. Shudda just played ona sep server.

23 October 2005, 20:44


Blank Fletcher

I was not prepared to play on a Finnish server, i live in Ireland and i have a shit upload, it chokes my line up enough playing on English servers, and i know for a fact i get a constant 150 on Finnish!
Besides,why couldnt he play on a VAC secured server ?

23 October 2005, 22:33


Blank beubeu | Keen Edge

good game Evil

23 October 2005, 23:38


Blank tomes

gj Evil

24 October 2005, 05:15


Blank KeePeR | Two Team Squad


24 October 2005, 05:33


Blank csm

foad Zamma, VAC banned player deserve to play?

24 October 2005, 06:40


Blank Vigilante

vac banned player allowed to play in ensl ??????
surely all servers used are vac secured anyway
and if not why not?

24 October 2005, 07:40


Blank CarNagE | Battle Gorge Royale

Gj Evil it was a nice battle.

24 October 2005, 08:19


Blank Saderi | FINNSTACK

kyrath ftw!1

24 October 2005, 10:24


Blank Stewy

LOL, CarNagE how the hell would u know, LOL u dont turn up. ROFL and vig, fletch, its over now the game was played on the ensl selected server and the ref was happy. GG

24 October 2005, 15:54


Blank qin

olol evil pwns ;d

25 October 2005, 14:45


Blank Sgt

vittu is for fuck :<<<<<

29 October 2005, 10:35

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