Talked to the Jope. I sappose match take place on Sunday (1th) 21 cest. This time will be ok for us.
About the server. I think it is reasonable to play one map on the first team server and one map on the second team server on conditions that opponent team must have approximately equal pings.
CRaZyCAT | Horror Show
About the server. I think it is reasonable to play one map on the first team server and one map on the second team server on conditions that opponent team must have approximately equal pings.
28 May 2014, 23:57
jope | Team Awesome
server we'll go over a few locations and see what works best. I wish london was still up.
29 May 2014, 14:16
CRaZyCAT | Horror Show
30 May 2014, 13:28
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