• Danny Blank
  • Zared Blank
  • WumbaFruit Blank
  • rbt Blank
  • PsychoNL Blank
  • Forelia Blank
  • Firemover Blank
  • Darth-Sentinel Blank
  • Bacsu Blank
  • Action_IHOP7 Blank
  • Blank SoLDieR
  • Blank NSSlayer
  • Blank Marshal
  • Blank KeePeR
  • Blank Gr3THUN
  • Blank Gonzo
  • Blank Voodo

S6: 3rd Div. Group A

Sunday 25 February 2007
00:30 CET

Predictions (0)

.Zero VH2
Two Team Squad

Match Report

1st round - ns_eclipse
TTS alien / .zero marine
TTS spawned with the eclipse hive and built CC and sub-junction but failed to defend them. zero went for the obs at the start and locked down CC with an early PG and mines. Some aggressive fading by Voodo allowed TTS to get the 2nd hive up in maintenance whilst getting down marines RTs. 10 minutes into the game zero managed to get a ninja pg up in eclipse hive and shoot the hive down but they lost their RTs. The hive was redropped straight away. zero were pretty much unable to recap any nodes while TTS kept building their own constantly. After nearly 30 minutes of play TTS finally took the base down with onoses and fades.
TTS 1-0 .zero

2nd round - ns_eclipse
TTS marine / .zero alien
zero started with maintenance hive and dropped CC and SL nodes. TTS decided to drop 2 arms labs right at the start and get 1/1 ups before 1:30. However, it didn't help them much as they were unable to get any RTs down. zero's skulks did an excellent job constantly chewing marines nodes. Fades and the lerk prevented TTS from any attemps at killing a hive or RTs.
TTS 1-1 .zero

3rd round - ns_orbital
TTS alien / .zero marine
After 30 minutes of obligatory bunnyhopping around the map the round started with TTS getting observatory hive. While the marines pressure group was on their way to kill J-turn RT, aliens did a successful base rush and killed all structures. Comm decided to relocate to J-turn but zero failed to build the new CC. It could be the game over already, but the comm managed to rebuild the IPs in the marines start. zero were able to cap RTs at the south side of the map and get a pg in atrium and continued to push aliens. Some bad scouting by TTS allowed zero to build a ninja pg inside the generator hiveroom. Although the hive took some serious damage, marines failed to take it down mainly because of 0 weapon upgrade.
TTS 2-1 .zero

4th round - ns_orbital
TTS marine / .zero alien
zero started with the generator hive and dropped observatory and bigroom resnodes. TTS easily killed the RTs with shotguns and took control over the map. Surprisingly, node-chewing by zero's skulks was really poor this time which allowed TTS to get upgrades and pgs. 8 minutes into the game marines built a pg in bigroom, went into generator room with shotguns and finished off the aliens.
TTS 3-1 .zero

Well played by both teams.



Blank Firemover


25 February 2007, 02:50


Blank KeePeR | Two Team Squad

gg and i think voodo and the fade is a differend think... :DDD

25 February 2007, 02:50


Blank Voodo | Two Team Squad


25 February 2007, 02:50


Blank Firemover

LOL Gr3t HUN... if i must say.... you were the one who folded... and came back than... so ask urself who is pathetic...

25 February 2007, 02:51


Blank KeePeR | Two Team Squad

calm down, pls its just a game.

25 February 2007, 02:52


Blank Gr3THUN

folded? ROFL.

25 February 2007, 02:52


Blank Firemover

and well played one....

25 February 2007, 02:52


Blank Marshal


25 February 2007, 02:56


Blank Marshal

Good fadeing and lerking .zero

25 February 2007, 02:57


Blank SoLDieR | Two Team Squad

i think it was a fair game....
so gg !!!!

25 February 2007, 02:57


Blank Voodo | Two Team Squad

gret stop.

25 February 2007, 02:58


Blank KeePeR | Two Team Squad

is voodo the man of the match?:D rofllolwtfzomg and etc...

25 February 2007, 03:00


Blank Talis | Quaxy

No player, gj tts :P

25 February 2007, 06:41


Blank NSSlayer

GG. Btw, I played tooo.... i admit that i wasn't the man of the match, but i'd feel better, if my name was in in the lineup^^

25 February 2007, 11:10


Blank Rutix

im glad you played :)

25 February 2007, 12:51


Blank Voodo | Two Team Squad

nice report.
slayer was drunk :)

25 February 2007, 12:55


Blank howdeh | minions

Marshal carry!

25 February 2007, 13:24


Blank Voodo | Two Team Squad

orbital MS is bugged, you cant drop stuff sometimes

25 February 2007, 14:08

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